Mission work gives us the opportunity to spread our faith and do good in our community and world. Sharing our time, gifts, and talents to honor God is one of the many ways we can show God our gratitude for all we have been given.
At First Church, our mission work manifests in a variety of ways to provide multiple outlets and opportunities for all members of of our faith community. If you enjoy service that benefits mission-focused area organizations, join us as we pack food at the Northern Illinois Food Bank or Feed My Starving Children. Perhaps you are more comfortable working with your hands; if so, Appalachia Service Project (ASP) is our annual summer mission trip to help provide warmer, safer, and drier housing. Maybe needlework is more your style - Stitches for Mission with GEUMC's United Women in Faith may be a great fit. For some, they prefer to support the church's mission work with their donations, and for others, their offering is in holding the organizations and volunteers in prayer. Every role is a critical one to furthering God's work in the world.
2025 First UMC of Glen Ellyn Missions of the Month
We are Mission-Minded at GEUMC
Each year, we select 12 local, national, or international nonprofit organizations - one for each month of the year - on which to focus our mission donations, prayers, and awareness within our church and broader community. Information about these organizations is shared via our Glen Ellyn Reporter monthly newsletter, our social media, and during Sunday morning worship so our congregation and friends of the church can learn about the work each is doing in service to others.
We invite you to learn more about our 2025 Missions of the Month with the information below and join us in support of them, whether through your time, gifts, or prayers.
As you can see, whether your passion is to feed the hungry, support veterans, show respect and care for God's earth, help those with mental illness, or bless families, you will find your place here with us.